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You Are An Original

There is no one like you.  You are a one of a kind.  The  role you play here in your time on earth, no one else can play.  No one else can fill your shoes. The dress was made for you and you alone. When you were created, God not only broke the mold but He made you in such a unique fashion that no one would ever be able to step in your place and fulfill your destiny for you.  It's all you baby.  

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.   Psalm 139:14-16

So the beautiful creation that you are was woven and formed and fashioned by the Father in Heaven and then a plan was made for you and written down in the scrolls in Heaven for the very purpose and role that you are to play here on earth.

This is sitting heavy on my heart as I write because I am thinking of the opportunities that have come my way that I have passed up or disregarded because I was afraid.

Then there are those moments when you got the courage and you stepped out in faith and what you offered was rejected.  When this happens it is easy to start to question who you are and what you are worth.  We all do it.  Now is the time where what you would expect is for me to share with you your true worth in God's eyes.  Here is where you would typically get the speech about your identity.  Not today. Today I am going to give you the raw unedited version.  

Here goes:

You are not a stand in until the real things comes- You are it.

You are not a poor man's Wendy- You are God's child, chosen by Him and for Him.

Nobody puts baby in the corner.  If they do, well, we know how that story ended...

If your hearts desire is an office with a beautiful view then don't settle for a corner of someone else's desk with a foam cup for a pencil holder. (Although my wonderful man reminded me that Jesus was born in a manger)....I love him!

No one can make you feel bad about yourself unless you let them.  The choice is yours.  

 Choose to see every closed door as God saying to you that he has something better!

Galatians 5:26b.

You are an original- 

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