renee carlisle ministries
About Me
I am a wife of 28 years and a mother of two. I am a writer and a speaker and desire to travel wherever God leads me telling my story. I have grown up in the church all of my life. I have a passion for those who need to step out into their calling and for those who have been wounded whether in ministry or just in life. I want to see others set free and walking in the specific call that God has for them. My desire is to come along side the sheep that may be lying on their side, tired and worn down from the enemy. I want to encourage others and help others get a renewed sense of what God might be wanting to do with their story.

The purpose of this ministry is to be an encouragement and a testimony of the goodness of God in my life. I want God to get glory from my story. The ultimate healing will come when we get to experience Jesus the Good Shepherd as he leaves the 99 and comes for us when we are lost. I spent a lot of years wandering and Jesus in his great love came for me. He wants to do the same for you! He chose you!
"You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you to bear much fruit, fruit that will last." John 15:16

If you are interested in booking for your event or would like prayer, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch.
Traverse City, Michigan
Tel: 231.499.2768
2017 Renee Carlisle Ministries